Who We Are

The Victoria Labour Council (VLC) is the local organization of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) at the city level. The CLC represents 3.2 million unionized workers across Canada. The VLC was founded over 100 years ago and is one of the oldest labour organizations in BC.

We organize local unions in our jurisdiction to carry out the national policies of the CLC; to participate in national action campaigns; to assist unions on strike; to organize political action; to develop international solidarity and to work for social justice in the community.

Executive Council

Kirk Mercer (CUPE 951) President
Barbara Riggs (HEU- RJH) Treasurer
Shona Dion (MOVE UP) Recording Secretary
Corey McGregor (IBEW230) Sergeant-at-Arms
Lori Issac (BCGEU)
Charlotte Mllington (HEU)
Paula White (BCFMWU)
Steve McAusland (UFCW)
Cale McLellan (CUPE)
Kevin Taki (HSABC) Young Worker Rep

Small Unions Caucus

George Scott (IATSE)
Chrissy Sprott (PEA)
Christine Ambrose (HSA-QA)
Warren Wulff (PSAC)

External Representatives

Orion Irvine (CLC)


Committees bring people together to advance ideas and actions within the Labour Council. Committees report back to the Executive Board and General Membership offering insight and recommendations grounded in trade union values.

Contact us for more information on joining a committee.

Political Action Committee

Education Committee

Women and Gender Rights Committee

Social Planning Committee