Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske available to react to Budget 2022

March 31, 2022

OTTAWA – Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to talk about the impacts of Budget 2022 on workers and their families.

Bruske is available to outline how Canada’s unions are looking to the Budget to take concrete steps to strengthen public health care and make life more affordable.

“The reality is, not everyone is sharing in the recovery. Many are still facing enormous precarity, anxiety, and an uncertain job market. It is critical that the government use Budget 2022 to launch our country on a path to economic recovery that doesn’t leave workers and their families behind,” said Bruske.

Canada’s unions are demanding MPs come together behind helping families and avoiding the extreme rhetoric that has too often become the norm on Parliament Hill.

“While Conservatives continue to use toxic partisanship to try and block progress in the House of Commons, we are urging MPs to work together and deliver help to Canadians. Give struggling families a break and bolster our public health care system, including through investments in pharmacare, dentalcare and action to address the health workforce crisis,” Bruske added.

What:              CLC President available to talk about Budget 2022

Where:            By phone or by ZOOM

When:             April 7, 2022 and/or in advance of the budget, by arrangement

Who:               Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress


Contact information:

CLC Media Relations

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